To get started, just click on the option below to see hauling, tack, shoeing and date information. All lease prices are per horse.
See 2025 Rates Below!!
- Rates for Summer/Fall Combo (May 1st – December 1st) (Negotiable)
- Rates for the Summer Season (May 1st – August 31st) ($1650)
- Short Term Summer Rates (Up to 14 days) ($750)
- Rate for Summer Season (May 1st – October 1st) ($1850)
- Rates for Fall/Hunting Season (Over 14 days between September 1st and December 1st) ($900)
- Short Term Fall Rates (Up to 14 days) ($750)
- Rates for Hauling (Delivery and Pick up) ($4.25 per loaded mile)
- Rates for Shoeing ($105)
- Rates for Tack and Accessories
- Use our Price Estimator to figure the total cost of your trip
You may need more equipment or services. If you need Hauling, Shoeing or Tack and Accessories, just click on the appropriate link for pricing.
Download and print Contract Here: Download Contract

Signed lease agreements are required on all horses and deposits of one-third the total lease fee. Early signed agreements guarantee we will have horses when you need them. Horses returned injured or damaged so as to be unusable for the rest of the season carry a penalty charge of $350.00. Replacement horses, if needed and available, will be leased at regular lease rates. Mileage will be charged if we deliver change out horses, refer to contract for details. Short-term users can borrow extra saddle pads at no extra charge. Extra pads eliminate most injuries. Security deposit of $4500.00 required on five head or less. If you lease more than 5 head, the deposit will be $5000.00 ($5000.00 maximum) for death or permanent injury. The security deposit, in addition to the lease fee, is to be paid on receipt of the horses and returned after use. Personal checks acceptable. Lease fee is to be paid 1/3 upon returning signed contract and 2/3 upon delivery or receipt of horses and equipment. Payment will be in cash, money order, or cashiers check. No personal checks, please. Price Changes: Prices may be higher or lower, depending upon fuel costs and general inflation rates.